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Exxon Valdez Invader


Anyone ever had an oil check valve fail???

It started years ago when I noticed very thick smoke on the first start of the year.  Each year would get a little worse, until last year...The crankcase was almost full of oil, so much that when trying to start it would hydro lock the motor and oil would spew out the exhaust.  I drained the oil and replaced the check valves on each cylinder.  One tested bad, so I thought I had the smoking gun.  Wrong.  Same thing this year, so out the motor came (can't change the check valve on the crankcase without pulling the waterpump, so it's easier just to pull the motor).  That valve tested bad as well.  Ugh, two bad check valves on one motor, what are the chances? 

It gave me a chance to install the Polaris ignition that I have been wanting to try...   

I have never had a crankcase fill with oil, but this year I did notice the 1980 Invader spitting some oil from the exhaust as i drove it into the shop.  No problem starting and not sure if this condition of spitting oil will continue or not.  Need some more snow to check it out.

I guess sometimes they are bleeders.  My 82 Intruder seems to be leaking gas from someplace and it is a bit cold out to be playing with little hoses.  The sled still looks good though!

Please do provide details of your Polaris ignition experiment. I have now seen Polaris indy skids, clutches, and IFS conversions on kawasaki machines..... and now ignition components. Think I will start looking for an Indy 440 or 500 :)

Will do.  I'm working on the documentation now, should have something to post in the next couple days. 


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