I am pleased to report, after 4 gallons of acid, that we now have 3 more suspension brackets available for sled projects. I am also quite pleased with how effectively the acid removes paint from the steel. A quick clean-up after coming out of the acid bath and the new paint looks wonderful. It reminds me of a tour of a Ford assembly plant that I had as a teenager and finding it remarkable that they would dip the entire car body in acid prior to painting. Even though each gallon of "green" acid seemed to disolve about 12" of 3/4" aluminum shaft, in the future, I would attempt to drill out as much aluminum as possible before going into the acid bath. But even with the minimal preparation that we did, it was much easier on the whole than drilling or heating or pounding. I don't know why, but the one gallon of higher strength acid did not seem to remove as much aluminum as I had anticipated.